Walkthrough: Part Six - Metroid: Zero Mission Guide - IGN (2025)

Metroid: Zero Mission Walkthrough Part Six

This is the final stretch. With Samus in possession of a fully upgraded suit and expanded armory, she can track down the last remaining collectibles and face the final boss. Be aware that the challenges ahead are difficult.

Part One Part Two Part Three
Part Four Part Five Part Six



Head back down into Tourian via the elevator from Brinstar.

From the elevator, drop down the shaft you previously couldn't wait to get up when fleeing from Mother Brain's self destruct sequence. You are witnessing what remains in the aftermath of the explosion.

Set off a Power Bomb at the vengeful creature's remains to expose a Super Missile Block.

Break the block by firing a Super Missile at it, then drop into the hole to discover a secret room below.

Inside, you will find a Power Bomb Tank.

Map location:


Next, head back up and travel through the corridor to the right and stand outside of the Save Room (save your progress, if you would like), in the corridor leading back to Mother Brain's destroyed capsule. Remember that the green acid pools here are very much deadly, unlike the yellow acid that Samus no longer has a problem with.

From the position above (outside the left hatch of the Save Room), run to the left to charge up your Speed Booster.

Before you reach the step leading into what used to be Big Momma's House, kneel down to preserve the Speed Booster energy and then Space Jump through the open hatch into the next room.

While Samus is still flashing with the Speed Booster energy, keep jumping upwards from the entrance toward the ceiling.

When at about this height (below), straighten yourself and hit A to activate the Shine Spark. Right around here.

It's okay if you did this while jumping towards the right -- simply hold left when you activate the Shine Spark with A and you will send Samus rocketing through the air horizontally to the left.


Note: Getting up high when jumping out of the hatch is important because otherwise your horizontal Shine Spark will be cut short by this indestructible pillar here.
Bonk. Ouch.

Samus will smash through the wall above the shattered Mother Brain capsule.

Continue Shine Sparking through the destroyed shaft, just underneath the platforms.

Samus will smash through the left wall of the shaft as well.

A solid wall will finally stop her flight in this unmapped room here.

Shoot the remaining broken platforms and the floor to reveal a hidden Missile Tank.


The hidden room is now marked on your map right here:

Once you have claimed your prize, climb back up the shaft to leave the area and re-enter Crateria through the elevator.

When you re-enter the area from Tourian, head up and make a right until you arrive in this location in Crateria:

There are large, reddish boulders in this twisting cave that can't be damaged with conventional weapons. Luckily, you now have the very unconventional Power Bomb.

Detonate one to declare this cave officially open for business.

Head down and through the Blue Hatch at the bottom.


Follow the path to the right.

Remember the area where Samus first started her adventure? Setting off a Power Bomb there will blast open a short cut to Crateria.

Underneath the bomb blocks, you will find a Morph Ball Blaster that lets you -- later -- ascend upwards in style. Remember it's there, but don't use it right now. We have more power-ups to find.

Instead, continue to travel to the east (right) from this starting point and drop through the first shaft to get back to the elevator down to Kraid.

Go into the second hatch on the left. This one:

Inside the lava-filled passage, look for a covered pit and bomb the blocks to break through..


It's easy to spot this lava well as it connects to the gray, unexplored areas on your map below.

Drop into the lava filled passage and run to the right to charge up your Speed Booster.

Kneel down to stop before you hit the wall. This will preserve the Speed Booster energy and Samus will be flashing to indicate that you did it correctly.

Don't waste any time -- quickly turn around and run up the slope to the left over the small "hill." At the foot of the hill, roll into Morph Ball form, tap the A Button, and hold Right on your directional pad/stick.

You've activated the Ball Spark move. Samus will start to rapidly unleash the built up Speed Booster energy...

... and fly through the tunnel to the right and into a hidden Missile Tank.


The final map location for the tank is here:

Boost straight up to smash through the blocks above -- or take the slow way out by going back left and out of the laval pool -- then make your way to the Save Room on the far eastern/right side of the lair via the long (blue, on the map) corridor.

Save your game, then use the Screw Attack to bust through the wall on the right top open up a secret passage, and take this new path to Norfair.


Access Norfair from Kraid via the secret passage in the Save Room and run through the tunnel to the right.

You'll arrive at a dead end. But the blocks in your way can now be blown up. Detonate a Power Bomb to open up the path and head right.


You're approaching a familiar bubble/eyeball cavern, but this time through a secret passage from the west. Fire a Missile to clear the way and bust into the shaft that runs through the southwestern sector of Norfair.

Head down and drop into the pool of fake lava.

Break through the ground, and then drop into a pool of not-so-fake lava. But don't worry: your upgraded Suit ensures you're no longer taking damage when submerged. Drop a bomb on the floor to uncover a Missile Block.

There are actually two Missile Blocks stacked on each other -- and it's a little hard to hit the bottom one when firing at an angle. So stand on top of it and jump up, then aim down on descent and fire two missiles to open the secret exit.

Drop in and navigate the narrow passage to a Blue Hatch.

Enter the next room and fire your beam into the path on the right to break a block.


Roll to the right and then fire a Missile straight up to reveal a Missile Tank. Warning: this one's a bit tricky. You'll have to destroy the Missile Block before you break through the crumbling blocks below it. If the blocks reform above you, you can no longer fire at the block and you'll have to do it again. The trick is that you need to be down one block in order to be able to stand up and fire upward.

Come back around and repeat, if needed. Grab the tank by hopping up in Morph Ball form or standing up, before the blocks under you collapse.

Map location:

Move on up to the left side of the cavern. Fall into the ledge and then fire a few Missiles to break open a new shaft.

You may have to jump and fire the missiles horizontally to destroy enough blocks to get through. Roll through the gap to the left.

Use the Space Jump to reach a Power Bomb Tank on a pedestal.


Map location:

Roll through the gap to the right and exit back out, then Space Jump your way out of the lava.

Continue east/right through Norfair until you reach the elevator leading to Ridley's former lair. Take the elevator down.


From your starting point, go through the Blue Hatch and enter the room to the right, here:

Aim up and shoot a hole into the ceiling and Space Jump into it. The opening is well-hidden, right here:


Navigate the narrow passage by using your climbing skills and Bombs.

Even though you now have the ability to jump when in Morph Ball form, you may find it easier to just stand up and grab the ledges above before rolling through the openings.

When you reach the eastern shaft, drop all the way to the bottom.

Remember that hidden area that you previously boosted to in order to pick up some Missiles? Well, it's time to go back to get the tank the eluded you earlier. There is a hidden opening in the shaft to the right, here:

Map location:

It's time to chain some Shine Sparks. Go left through the Save Room and into the next hallway. Look for a mesh-covered walkway above. It has two entrances; one on the right and one on the left.


Go up to the walkway, go as far left as you can, and then run to the right to charge up your Speed Booster. Samus will start to flash. While running, fire your blaster to destroy the breakable blocks at the end and kneel down to lock in the Speed Booster energy before you fall off the edge. While Samus is still flashing, drop down to the platform below.

You have to move fast. Jump across the gap and -- while firing -- run into the Save Room. Keep firing as you enter to ensure the right hatch is open. When you're on this downward slope, tap A and hold right to activate the Shine Spark move:

Samus will rocket to the right and hit the ramp on the other side of the Save Room (which interrupts the Shine Spark but keeps the Speed Booster energy alive and lets you control Samus again). Keep holding right to run through the door.

As soon as you arrive in the next room, kneel down to stop your run and once again lock in the Speed Booster energy.

While Samus is still flashing, Space Jump up to the right and then up to the first platform on the left, then up to the next platform on the right. (Straight vertical jumps will activate another Shine Spark -- you have to flip in the air to keep the run going.)

When you're on this platform across from the Blue Hatch, tap A and then hold Right to crash through the wall.


Samus will smash through the blocks into the adjacent room. Watch out: the blocks will reform, so don't exit the area.

You'll have to do another Speed Booster run, but this one's easier. Start at the left side of the room and run to the right (fire to open the Blue Hatch).

Run to the right until Samus is flashing and kneel down to stop right before you hit the wayward pipe.

Roll under the pipe, stand back up, and tap the A Button to rocket upward.

Samus will fly vertically through the air and hold on to the ledge at the top left.

Grab onto the ledge and roll left. You now have to do a timed "roll." Set off a Bomb on the leftmost blocks.


This will start a chain reaction and the blocks will collapse one by one. As the blocks break, quickly roll left as you drop and roll under the solid pipe.

Use your handy dandy Space Jump to keep to the air until you reach the left side of the area.

Grab onto the top of the pipe and roll left and drop down to reach the Missile Tank.

Map location for the last tank:

Once you have the tank in your possession, travel back to the elevator shaft and ride out of Ridley. If you've followed every step of this walkthrough, you now have all 50 Missile Tank upgrades. Congratulations!

Once back in Norfair, go to the right of the elevator shaft and use the Screw Attack to break through a wall to reach a Morph Ball Launcher.


This is the location of the launcher, right here:

Use the launcher to blast your turbo-charged way to the corridor left of the Save Room. Run through the Save Room to charge up your Speed Booster and kneel to stop at the bottom of the shaft. Move just right of the overhang and tap the A Button to blast upward to an area above the midpoint of the shaft. Continue the journey upward to the second hatch you come across after your launch, and go through it. Proceed to the left, through the long halls and a Save Room until you reach the path to Crateria.

Thank your lucky stars that you will not have to return to Norfair ever again, and make your way back to Chozodia (through the beak to the right).


Now that you do not have to charge and boost through this hallway, drop down the short shaft all the way to the right and fire a Missile at the left wall to reveal a Power Bomb Tank.

Map location:


After you collect the goods, break through a Missile Block in the lower right corner and drop into the hole.

Detonate a Power Bomb to reach the next room. You'll have to roll to the left.

You'll arrive in the following room. Once inside, drop down and run to the right.

As you make your way back through Chozodia, you may or may not set off the alarm at some point. When you reach the metal barrier at the top left of the next major shaft, Bomb the floor to keep the Space Pirates away from you.

When the barrier finally rises, proceed to the top of the shaft and destroy the large block obstructing the way with a Power Bomb.

The block is right here on the map, at the top of the medium-length shaft at the center of the Chozo Ruins:


Retrace your steps through the area, heading left and around to the northeast of the Chozo Ruins. You're heading towards the circled room at the top -- follow the path to the left and up to the smaller circle:

That means you'll go past the spot where you previously saw a Space Pirate with a tank of Power Bombs and through the corridor that is being scanned by the eye shaped scanners. Blow up this block to emerge in the long (green) shaft on the east side of the ruins.

You have to head up to the next -- small -- opening above.

When you reach the large block, set off a Power Bomb to destroy it.

Roll left into a room in which Space Pirates are hanging out in narrow passages.

Go right through the top passage, obliterate the Pirate, and then break through a block in the ceiling to gain access to an alcove holding a Power Bomb Tank.


This was the final Power Bomb Tank upgrade you can get in the game.

Map location:

Make your way to the Save Room in the top left portion of the map and save your game. It's time to try and beat the most complex Shine Spark challenge. Half the battle here is knowing where to jump and when to Shine Spark, so we've put together a step-by-step guide below with pictures for every jump and turn.

It will probably take you several frustrating tries to get Energy Tank #11 in the next area. If you are worried about your game completion timer, you can always reset and return to your trusty save file (or use a save state and rewind, if you're playing the Switch version).

Go to the lower left corner of the waterlogged large chamber, here:

This is the starting location:

You now have to run to the right while firing diagonally upward to break through some blocks. With your booster charged, kneel down to stop in front of the blocks at the opening to the upper level and jump up (diagonally, so you don't trigger the Shine Spark) to the next level.


Blast off to the left by tapping A and holding left and stop yourself (tap down) once you are up the shallow slope -- in other words, as soon as you regain control.

Space Jump to the next ledge on the right, like this:

Now trigger a Shine Spark again to rocket off to the right (tap A, hold right), and stop yourself again as soon as you zip up the incline. These maneuvers are necessary to retain the energy charge built up by the Speed Booster. If you didn't Shine Spark and renew your run via the slope, you'd lose the energy before you can jump up to the next level.

With your charge still going strong, Space Jump to the next ledge on the left.

Tap A, hold left to Shine Spark again and blast up the slope, and stop yourself once more before you hit the wall (D-Pad/stick down to kneel).

Jump up to the outcrop at the top of the room towards the right.


And Shine Spark to the right once more while Samus is still flashing.

The Shine Spark will be interrupted by the slopes to the right and you have to continue running to the right into the next area.

Stop at the top of the shaft use the Screw Attack to burst through the carved blocks.

Drop to the left ledge.

Shine Spark dash to the left, and stop before you hit the wall to uphold your charge.

Turn around and drop again to the small ledge on the right.


Now it's time to quickly trigger the final Shine Spark (tap A, hold right) and take off through the Booster Blocks to the right.

Get ready for an unusual sight-seeing trip.

Congratulations. As Samus rockets through the corridors to the right, she will crash right into Energy Tank #11.

Final map location:

After you get the Energy Tank, exit the area by smashing through the wall and head back to this Save Room in the northern part of the ship:


Save your game and go into the room to the left. You've got two more challenges ahead of you. In the cockpit/bridge room, jump up and roll into Morph Ball form near the hatch you just entered from.

Roll onto the shelf and set off a Bomb to open up a path to the ship's upper left corner.

Go to the right and set off a Power Bomb in the next room to open up a narrow passageway.

Continue through the eastern part of the ship until you reach the room with the Red Hatch (located in the upper right corner of the ship). This hatch leads to the final boss battle. But since you still have some power-ups to grab, don't enter quite yet. Instead, blast open the Blue Hatch door and start a run to the left to build up your Speed Booster.

As soon as Samus starts flashing, kneel to lock in the energy and do a Space Jump over to the left to smash the walkway covering the area below.

You don't have to make a large opening; just enough for you to fall through. The corridor below has green lasers all over it; if you trip the alarm, a gate will crash down and prevent you from getting Energy Tank #12 on the other side. Head back up.

Don't like Shine Sparks? There is an alternate way to beat the green lasers. But you're not gonna like this one any better. You can Space Jump through the corridor. You have to do fast taps when going under the metal laser emitters and carefully time your Space Jumps (tap, tap, tap) to avoid touching the lasers in the narrow corridor.


You're going to do a second Speed Booster run. But don't exit the room again or you'll cause the blocks you just destroyed to reform. From the right side of the room, run to the left.

When Samus is flashing, kneel again (tap down) to lock in the Speed Booster energy and leap into the opening you've created.

Fall down, turn right and run off the edge. Before you hit the green lasers, hit A and hold right to execute a Shine Spark maneuver.

Samus will blast through the corridor to the right while avoiding any and all green trip lasers.

You will grab the last power-up in the game, Energy Tank #12.

This is the map location:


Go back to the main corridor (where you boosted through the floor) and make your way right. When you reach the small room, Bomb your way through the weak floor to get to the Red Hatch on the other side.

Hopefully you saved your game before coming here, because the final boss is waiting to chat on the other side of that hatch.

Final Boss Fight: Mecha Ridley

A robotic version of Ridley may be a ridiculous idea for a final boss, but do not take this machine too lightly. There are varying difficulty levels based on your level of completion. If you've collected 100% of the items in the game, Robot Ridley will be able to take more shots, and swipe at you with some extra strength hatred.

Another annoying factor is that Mecha Ridley takes up most of the screen, so you have very little room to maneuver around. As a result of this, you will obviously want to stay near the left wall.

Ridley's weakness is easily spotted: that red spot in its chest. Wait for the right time and leap up and fire missiles at the right moment. Start with Supers and keep blasting away whenever Ridley is not shielding its "heart".

Use your Space Jump and hover in the air along the left wall to avoid the attacks (which happen to include fireballs, razor sharp claws, lasers, and missiles). Your biggest concern is the claw swipe move, as it takes away a chunk of your energy. The fireballs, lasers, and missiles are easily dealt with by continuously Space Jumping at the left center of the screen, but you need to get higher up to not get hit by the claw. Drop down the moment Ridley finishes swiping. You have a small window to get some missile hits in. But don't rush it -- you can refill your energy once Ridley starts firing lasers and missiles. Screw Attack the missiles to gain energy and weapons throughout the battle, and blast the glowing "heart" of the machine with your Super Missiles. Repeat this process until the machine falls apart.

Naturally, defeating Mecha Ridley has set off the ship's self-destruct mechanism, so it's time to make your great escape.

The escape route is preset and fairly linear -- doors you shouldn't bother with are gray and locked. Exit the room, then fire at a weak block at the top of the wall outside of the room and fall to the other side. Continue into the next room and fire at the blocks above the metal barricade to clear a path.

Drop down the two shafts and go through the hatch at the very bottom.

Bomb your way to the upper path of the corridor. You don't need your Power Bombs anymore, so just drop them to speed things up.


Hit the golden robot it with your beam, jump over it, then fire Missiles at it to make it back up into the hole.

You now have enough runway to power up your Speed Booster. Run to the right and blaze through the Booster Blocks.

Run left and then right once more to build your charge and then exit the room. In the next shaft, it is possible to maintain your charge as you zig and zag your way up. Doing this not only looks cool, but it cuts down on your time. When you reach the top of the shaft, stop to maintain your charge, shoot open the hatch, and then roll into Ball Form and take off to the right. This particular boost will fly you through several walls (as well as Space Pirates) and carry you through a narrow passage (if you were unable to keep your boost, you will have to manually work your way around the obstacles).

Space Jump to climb up and over the walls in your way, and take on a pair of dark colored Pirates below. They're tough by themselves, but can be deadly as a pair. Your best bet is to separate them. Jump down to the ledge below and then head back up to lure one of them upstairs.

Dodge their attacks and blast away. When retreating and jumping, always charge up your Charge Beam to make the next hit count, then follow up with rapid fire. When you have defeated both, exit through the hatch to the hangar.

You don't have to get back your own ship this time around. You can steal one of the horseshoe crab looking Space Pirate ships instead.


When you reach the escape ship, a Pirate will jump out of and attempt to ambush you. Send him to hell with your trusty beam and jump into the cockpit.

Mission complete -- for real this time! Sit back and bask in your newfound feelings of triumph.

Samus will fly away from the exploding station as her remaining enemies are obliterated by the blast.

This time, space is free of Zebesian Space Pirates. Though it'll obviously not be the last time that she encounters her nemeses.

Samus has completed her mission. You will get a last blast from the past to send her off.


You will have unlocked the Gallery as well as the original Metroid NES game, accessible now anytime from the Options screen.

Depending on your item collection rate and completion time, you'll get a scrollable glory shot of Samus to add to the Gallery collection. For more, check the Endings section.

Up Next: Endings

PreviousWalkthrough: Part FiveNextEndings

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Metroid: Zero Mission

Nintendo SwitchWii UGame Boy Advance
Walkthrough: Part Six - Metroid: Zero Mission Guide - IGN (2025)


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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.